- Having a Panama Marine License or CoC is the best opportunity for graduate marine students to find that first job as well as for officials and other mariners who are looking to expand their career in the marine world.
- Panama has the biggest number of ships registered in the world.
- Panamanian license is recognized ALL around the world.
- More opportunities to find jobs
- The Panamanian Certificate of Competency (CoC) is one of the requirements needed by international seafarers to be eligible to work onboard Panamanian flagged ships which itself is the largest registry in the world.
- As one of the world’s maritime powers, Panama presents a wealth of opportunities to highly-skilled and competent seafarers within its vibrant merchant marine industry.
- Classified under the prestigious Category “A” of the International Maritime Organization, Panama holds the honor of having the most number of ships registered under its flag.
- As the one who are holding an accreditation “A” of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) also received an award for having highest number of ships in the world registered the their flagged.
- Competency and career advancement opportunities also apply to ship’s ratings who want to become an officer aboard the Panama-flagged.
- By having a Certificate of Competence (CoC) Panama, means he can get a Certificate of Recognition (CoR) and the chance to work on any of the 55-flagged ship / from other countries.
Apply for Panama Basic Courses & Advanced Courses, Panama CDC, Panama COE, Panama Watch Keeping Course, Panama COC Renewal , PANAMA COC UPGRADATION
Application for Panama CDC
- Application form.
- Photo.
- Passport.
- Medical certificate.
- Ratings forming part of a navigational watch(Deck Side – Applicable for rank CDC only)
- Ratings forming part of engineering watch(Engine Side -Applicable for rank CDC only).
- Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
- Elementary First Aid
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
- Security Awareness Training for All Seafarers.
Note : Receive CRA same Day
Once Application done, you will receive soft copy within 7-8 working days. Hardcopy of the same will be received within a week.
Application for Panama COE
- Copy of Data pages of a valid National Passport
- Passport size Photograph with clear White Background
- Panama Medical
- INDOS number (Indian National Database of Seafarers)
- Basic STCW & Advance courses, MFA/MC, GMDSS, ROC and ARPA, SSO etc
- Copy of Valid Seaman book& stamp pages
- Valid Certificate of Competency (Operational & Management Level)
- Copy valid Company experience Certificates, etc of
Application for Renewal and Upgrade of Panama COC
- Filled out application form
- Valid Passport copy
- Photograph in light or white background
- Valid Panama Medical
- Valid Panama CDC & CDC Stamp Pages
- Sea Services letters & testimonials
- Basic & Advanced Courses (Deck Side : ARPA, ROC, GMDSS,SSO, BTM) (Engine Side : ERM,MEA, SSO, High Voltage).
- Signature in Black ink on white background
- Panama COC to be renewed and Panama SSO license or DSD endorsement course.
Application for Panama Watch Keeping and Panama COP (Deck Side & Engine Side)
- Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch. Duration : 5 Days
- Rating Forming Part of an Engineering Watch. Duration : 5 Days
- Able Seafarer DECK. Duration : 6 Days
- Able Seafarer Engine. Duration : 6 Days
Documents Required:
- Valid Passport
- CDC & CDC Stamp Pages
- Photo
- Signature in Black Ink
- Mandatory six months sailing required for Watchkeeping course certificate
- All Panama or DG approved STCW& SDSD course.
- Watch keeping course certificate for COP.
Panama Approved Basic Courses / Advanced Courses / PDE Course
- Elementary First Aid (IMO 1.13)Duration : 2 Days
- Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques ( IMO 1.19)Duration : 3 Days
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibility ( IMO 1.21)Duration: 3 Days
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (IMO 1.20)Duration : 2 Days
- Security Awareness Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties (IMO3.26)Duration : 2 Days
- PDE Certificate (Previous Documentation Evaluation )Duration : 1 Day
- Basic Training for all Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (IMO 1.01)Duration :6 Days
- Basic Training For Liquefied Gas Tanker (IMO 1.04)Duration : 5 Days
- Advanced Training for Oil Tanker and Cargo Operations (IMO 1.02)Duration : 8 Days
- Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (IMO 1.03)Duration : 10 Days
- Advanced Training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations (IMO 1.05)Duration : 10 Days
- Radar, Navigation Radar Plotting and use of ARPA (IMO 1.07)Duration : 10 Days
- Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork, Search and Rescue (IMO 1.08)Duration : 5 Days
- Medical First Aid (IMO 1 .14)Duration : 5 Days
- Medical Care (IMO 1.15)Duration : 8 Days
- Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork (IMO 1.22)Duration : 10 Days
- Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (IMO 1.23)Duration : 4 Days
- Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (IMO 1.24)Duration : 4 Days
- General Operators Certificate for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (IMO 1.25.18)Duration : 14 Days
- Operational Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information System (IMO 1.27)Duration : 5 Days
- Marine Environmental Awareness (IMO 1.38)Duration : 2 Days
- Leadership and Teamwork (IMO 1.39)Duration : 4 Days
- Advance Training in Fire Fighting (IMO 2.03)Duration : 4 Days
- Engine Room Simulator (IMO 2.07)Duration : 10 Days
- Ship Security Officer (IMO 3.19)Duration : 2 Days
- Security Awareness Training for all Seafarers (IMO 3.27)Duration : 1 Day
- Bridge Resources Management.Duration : 3 Days
- Engine Room Resource Management.Duration : 3 Days
- Ships Cook Course in accordance with MLC, 2006 Regulation 3.2. Duration: 5 Days
- High Voltage .Duration : 5 Days
STSDSD Endorsement.
PDE Endorsement.
OTCT Endorsement.
LGTC Endorsement.
TASCO Endorsement.
CHEMCO Endorsement .
ALGTC Endorsement.
Ship Cook Course Endorsement .
GMDSS Endorsement.
SSO Endorsement
Watchkeeping / COP Endorsement